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各行业应用天然色素,碰到的各种问题,欢迎来交流和探讨,业界人士也欢迎加入,互相学习,共同进步。为打造专业的氛围,请勿发表于天然色素无关的主题,谢谢您的配合!Various industries use natural pigments and encounter various problems. Welcome to exchange and discuss. People in the industry are welcome to join, learn from each other and make progress together. In order to create a professional atmosphere, please do not publish in the theme of natural pigments, thank you for your cooperation!

天然色素应用技术推广实验室Natural Colors Application Technology Promotion Laboratory
免费提供天然提取物、天然色素应用技术支持;提供产品保色护色技术,色彩定制,以及安全高效的天然色素、天然提取物稳定改良剂;承接天然色素复配调色,乳化改性,微胶囊技术;天然辣椒精去杂提纯、水、油溶改性,天然辣椒碱结晶纯化,无色辣椒精生产技术;承接天然色素、天然提取物应用技术研发,花椒油树脂品质改良、去除沉淀,水油两溶天然色素,水油两溶花椒精油品质改良。Provide free natural extracts and natural pigment application technical support; provide product color protection and color protection technology, color customization, and safe and efficient natural Colors, natural extract stability improver; undertake natural pigment compound color matching, emulsification modification, micro Capsule technology; natural pepper extract to remove impurities, water, oil-soluble modification, However, the purification of capsaicin crystals, colorless capsicum production technology; the development of natural pigments, natural extract application technology, pepper oleoresin quality improvement, removal of precipitation, water and oil two soluble natural pigments, water and oil two soluble pepper essential oil quality improvement.
收藏||积分: 463|群主: aing
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