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已有 45539 人来访过

  • Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 回复
  • 囚 回复
  • 活着就是最大的幸福,希望或许在不经意间就实现。 回复
  • 真是悲剧,过年 才回来几天,就感冒发烧…… 回复
  • 祝福大家新年好~~来年红红火火  回复
  • 论坛注册七周年了……老了  回复
  • 前天和另外3个同事一起搬了3.8吨的RMB,现在腰还疼着 要是这RMB都是我的,腰疼也认了 可惜不是    回复
  • 7点半出门还没下雨,8点还在路上就是狂风暴雨……8点半正式上班时间,雨停了……裤子和鞋子湿完了,这不是玩我呢嘛………… 回复
  • 上班ing…… 回复
  • 性别
  • 毕业学校湖南农业大学食品科技学院
  • 学历本科
  • 职业质量管理
  • 来源调查朋友推荐
  • 兴趣爱好互相切磋知识
  • 自我介绍食品行业质量管理大军中的一员


  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 11-25 13:21
    New trip, New start.
    Trees will die after removing while human will rejuvenate.
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 8-20 09:47
  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 6-22 12:26
    Sometimes, a thing you do it,doesn\'t depend on what you can get, only because you want to do.
  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 6-17 03:15
    Love is not only possessive, but also hope she has her own happiness, although it is none ofyour business.
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 6-11 17:24
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 6-11 17:23
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 6-10 17:44
  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 6-3 00:57
    It's dream time, what's your dream?
    Yesterday, in the class, I had a conversation with my foreigner teacher Paul. ---Paul, I have a question.In your opinion, what\'s American Dream? ...
  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 5-29 00:14
    I'm willing
    You are the special for me, I\'m willing that give you the special treat. ——write for the future girl.
  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 5-25 13:25
    Stay alone
    Sometime, I like stay alone, it\'s quiet, I can do anything I want to do. But sometimes, I hate stay alone, it make me feel decadent, many many negati ...
  • lpy1305 发表了新日志 5-23 00:24
    What can I do?
    On the vicious circle, How can I broke it? I\'m confusing.
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 5-22 00:19
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 5-22 00:19
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 5-22 00:19
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 5-22 00:19
  • lpy1305 上传了新图片 5-22 00:19
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laphy 2024-9-2 09:55
laphy 2024-9-1 15:09
laphy 2024-8-31 12:22
laphy 2024-8-30 11:13
laphy 2024-8-29 08:00
laphy 2024-8-28 10:00
laphy 2024-8-27 08:24
laphy 2024-8-26 08:07
laphy 2024-8-25 12:50
laphy 2024-8-24 19:21
New trip, New start. 2013-11-25
Trees will die after removing while human will rejuvenate.
Want 2013-06-22
Sometimes, a thing you do it, doesn't depend on what you can get, only because you want to do.
View 2013-06-17
Love is not only possessive, but also hope she has her own happiness, although it is none of your business.
Where is the home? 2013-06-07
The home is where the heart is, the heart is where she is.  
It's dream time, what's your dream? 2013-06-03
Yesterday, in the class, I had a conversation with my foreigner teacher Paul. ---Paul, I have a question.  In your opinion, what's Amer ...
I'm willing 2013-05-29
You are the special for me, I'm willing that give you the special treat. ——write for the future girl.  




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