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(EC) No 178/2006 修订欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC) No 396/2005以确定附录I列表中食品和饲料内杀虫剂的最大残留量

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核心提示:该条例对欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC) No 396/2005附录I列表中食品和饲料内杀虫剂的最大残留量进行了确定。列出了(EC) No396/2005附件Ⅰ中与制修订农药最大残留限量相关的植物和动物源性商品(食品、饲料和农产品)分类和商品名称及其商品编码的细则。
欧洲议会 欧盟理事会
欧洲议会 欧盟理事会
发布文号 (EC) No 178/2006
发布日期 2006-02-02 生效日期 2006-02-22
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该条例对欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC) No 396/2005附录I列表中食品和饲料内杀虫剂的最大残留量进行了确定。列出了(EC) No396/2005附件Ⅰ中与制修订农药最大残留限量相关的植物和动物源性商品(食品、饲料和农产品)分类和商品名称及其商品编码的细则。

  Commission Regulation (EC) No 178/2006

  of 1 February 2006

  amending Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council to establish Annex I listing the food and feed products to which maximum levels for pesticide residues apply

  (Text with EEA relevance)


  Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

  Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in and on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EE [1], and in particular Article 4(1) thereof,


  (1) In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Annexes I, II, III and IV to that Regulation are to be established by the Commission, their establishment being a condition for the application of Chapters II, III and V of that Regulation.

  (2) It is necessary to include in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 all products for which presently Community or national MRLs exist as well as those for which it is appropriate to apply harmonised MRLs.

  (3) Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 should therefore be amended accordingly.

  (4) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.

  (5) Individual MRLs have not yet been required for fish, and for crops exclusively meant for animal feed, and no information is available as a basis for setting MRLs. It is appropriate to allow for the time needed to generate or collect this information. It is considered that a time period of three years should be sufficient to generate or collect this information,


  Article 1

  The text in the Annex to this Regulation is added as Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.

  Article 2

  This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

  Done at Brussels, 1 February 2006.

  For the Commission

  Markos Kyprianou

  Member of the Commission

  [1] OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1.





  Products of plant and animal origin referred to in Article 2(1)

  Code number | Groups to which the MRLs apply | Examples of individual products within the groups to which the MRLs apply | Scientific Name | Examples of related varieties or other products included in the definition to which the same MRL applies | Parts of the products to which the MRLs apply |

  0100000 | 1.FRUIT FRESH OR FROZEN; NUTS | | | | |

  0110000 | (i)Citrus fruit | | | | Whole product |

  0110010 | | Grapefruit | Citrus paradisi | Shaddocks, pomelos, sweeties, tangelo, ugli and other hybrids | |

  0110020 | | Oranges | Citrus sinensis | Bergamot, bitter orange, chinotto and other hybrids | |

  0110030 | | Lemons | Citrus limon | Citron, lemon | |

  0110040 | | Limes | Citrus aurantifolia | | |

  0110050 | | Mandarins | Citrus reticulata | Clementine, tangerine and other hybrids | |

  0110990 | | Others | | | |

  0120000 | (ii)Tree nuts (shelled or unshelled) | | | | Whole product after removal of shell (except chestnuts) |

  0120010 | | Almonds | Prunus dulcis | | |

  0120020 | | Brazil nuts | Bertholletia excelsa | | |

  0120030 | | Cashew nuts | Anacardium occidentale | | |

  0120040 | | Chestnuts | Castanea sativa | | |

  0120050 | | Coconuts | Cocos nucifera | | |

  0120060 | | Hazelnuts | Corylus avellana | Filbert | |

  0120070 | | Macadamia | Macadamia ternifolia | | |

  0120080 | | Pecans | Carya illinoensis | | |

  0120090 | | Pine nuts | Pinus pinea | | |

  0120100 | | Pistachios | Pistachia vera | | |

  0120110 | | Walnuts | Juglans regia | | |

  0120990 | | Others | | | |

  0130000 | (iii)Pome fruit | | | | Whole product after removal of stems |

  0130010 | | Apples | Malus domesticus | Crab apple | |

  0130020 | | Pears | Pyrus communis | Oriental pear | |

  0130030 | | Quinces | Cydonia oblonga | | |

  0130040 | | Medlar | Mespilus germanica | | |

  0130050 | | Loquat | Eriobotrya japonica | | |

  0130990 | | Others | | | |

  0140000 | (iv)Stone fruit | | | | Whole product after removal of stems |

  0140010 | | Apricots | Prunus armeniaca | | |

  0140020 | | Cherries | Prunus cerasus, Prunus avium | Sweet cherries, sour cherries | |

  0140030 | | Peaches | Prunus persica | Nectarines and similar hybrids | |

  0140040 | | Plums | Prunus domestica | Damson, greengage, mirabelle | |

  0140990 | | Others | | | |

  0150000 | (v)Berries and small fruit | | | | Whole product after removal of caps/crowns and stems except in the case of currants: fruits with stems |

  0151000 | (a)Table and wine grapes | | | | |

  0151010 | | Table grapes | Vitis euvitis | | |

  0151020 | | Wine grapes | Vitis euvitis | | |

  0152000 | (b)Strawberries | | Fragaria × ananassa | | |

  0153000 | (c)Cane fruit | | | | |

  0153010 | | Blackberries | Rubus fruticosus | | |

  0153020 | | Dewberries | Rubus ceasius | Loganberries, Boysenberries, and cloudberries | |

  0153030 | | Raspberries | Rubus idaeus | Wineberries | |

  0153990 | | Others | | | |

  0154000 | (d)Other small fruit and berries | | | | |

  0154010 | | Blueberries | Vaccinium corymbosum | Bilberries; cowberries (red bilberries) | |

  0154020 | | Cranberries | Vaccinium macrocarpon | | |

  0154030 | | Currants (red, black and white) | Ribes nigrum, Ribes rubrum | | |

  0154040 | | Gooseberries | Ribes uva-crispa | Including hybrids with other ribes species | |

  0154050 | | Rose hips | Rosa canina | | |

  0154060 | | Mulberries | Morus spp | Arbutus berry | |

  0154070 | | Azarole (mediteranean medlar) | Crataegus azarolus | | |

  0154080 | | Elderberries | Sambucus nigra | Black chokeberry (appleberry), mountain ash, azarole, buckthorn (sea sallowthorn), hawthorn, service berries, and other treeberries | |

  0154990 | | Others | | | |

  0160000 | (vi)Miscellaneous fruit | | | | Whole product after removal of stems or the crown (pineapples) |

  0161000 | (a)Edible peel | | | | |

  0161010 | | Dates | Phoenix dactylifera | | |

  0161020 | | Figs | Ficus carica | | |

  0161030 | | Table olives | Olea europaea | | |

  0161040 | | Kumquats | Fortunella species | Marumi kumquats, nagami kumquats | |

  0161050 | | Carambola | Averrhoa carambola | Bilimbi | |

  0161060 | | Persimmon | Diospyros kaki | | |

  0161070 | | Jambolan (java plum) | Syzygium cumini | Java apple (water apple), pomerac, rose apple, Brazilean cherry (grumichama), Surinam cherry | |

  0161990 | | Others | | | |

  0162000 | (b)Inedible peel, small | | | | |

  0162010 | | Kiwi | Actinidia deliciosa syn. A. chinensis | | |

  0162020 | | Lychee (Litchi) | Litchi chinensis | Pulasan, rambutan (hairy litchi) | |

  0162030 | | Passion fruit | Passiflora edulis | | |

  0162040 | | Prickly pear (cactus fruit) | Opuntia ficus-indica | | |

  0162050 | | Star apple | Chrysophyllum cainito | | |

  0162060 | | American persimmon (Virginia kaki) | Diospyros virginiana | Black sapote, white sapote, green sapote, canistel (yellow sapote), and mammey sapote | |

  0162990 | | Others | | | |

  0163000 | (c)Inedible peel, large | | | | |

  0163010 | | Avocados | Persea americana | | |

  0163020 | | Bananas | Musa × paradisica | Dwarf banana, plantain, apple banana | |

  0163030 | | Mangoes | Mangifera indica | | |

  0163040 | | Papaya | Carica papaya | | |

  0163050 | | Pomegranate | Punica granatum | | |

  0163060 | | Cherimoya | Annona cherimola | Custard apple, sugar apple (sweetsop), llama and other medium sized Annonaceae | |

  0163070 | | Guava | Psidium guajava | | |

  0163080 | | Pineapples | Ananas comosus | | |

  0163090 | | Bread fruit | Artocarpus altilis | Jackfruit | |

  0163100 | | Durian | Durio zibethinus | | |

  0163110 | | Soursop (guanabana) | Annona muricata | | |

  0163990 | | Others | | | |

  0200000 | 2.VEGETABLES FRESH OR FROZEN | | | | |

  0210000 | (i)Root and tuber vegetables | | | | Whole product after removal of tops (if any) and adhering soil by rinsing or brushing |

  0211000 | (a)Potatoes | | Tuber form Solanum spp. | | |

  0212000 | (b)Tropical root and tuber vegetables | | | | |

  0212010 | | Cassava | Manihot esculenta | Dasheen, eddoe (Japanese taro), tannia | |

  0212020 | | Sweet potatoes | Ipomoea batatas | | |

  0212030 | | Yams | Dioscorea sp. | Potato bean (yam bean), Mexican yam bean | |

  0212040 | | Arrowroot | Maranta arundinacea | | |

  0212990 | | Others | | | |

  0213000 | (c)Other root and tuber vegetables except sugar beet | | | | |

  0213010 | | Beetroot | Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | | |

  0213020 | | Carrots | Daucus carota | | |

  0213030 | | Celeriac | Apium graveolens var. rapaceum | | |

  0213040 | | Horseradish | Armoracia rusticana | | |

  0213050 | | Jerusalem artichokes | Helianthus tuberosus | | |

  0213060 | | Parsnips | Pastinaca sativa | | |

  0213070 | | Parsley root | Petroselinum crispum | | |

  0213080 | | Radishes | Raphanus sativus var. sativus | Black radish, Japanese radish, small radish and similar varieties | |

  0213090 | | Salsify | Tragopogon porrifolius | Scorzonera, Spanish salsify (Spanish oysterplant) | |

  0213100 | | Swedes | Brassica napus var. napobrassica | | |

  0213110 | | Turnips | Brassica rapa | | |

  0213990 | | Others | | | |

  0220000 | (ii)Bulb vegetables | | | | Whole product after removal of easily detachable skin and soil (when dry) or roots and soil (when fresh) |

  0220010 | | Garlic | Allium sativum | | |

  0220020 | | Onions | Allium cepa | Silverskin onions | |

  0220030 | | Shallots | Allium ascalonicum (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) | | |

  0220040 | | Spring onions | Allium cepa | Welsh onion and similar varieties | |

  0220990 | | Others | | | |

  0230000 | (iii)Fruiting vegetables | | | | Whole product after removal of stems (in case of sweet corn without husks) |

  0231000 | (a)Solanacea | | | | |

  0231010 | | Tomatoes | Lycopersicum esculentum | Cherry tomatoes | |

  0231020 | | Peppers | Capsicum annuum, var grossum and var. longum | Chilli peppers | |

  0231030 | | Aubergines (egg plants) | Solanum melongena | Pepino | |

  0231040 | | Okra, lady’s fingers | Hibiscus esculentus | | |

  0231990 | | Others | | | |

  0232000 | (b)Cucurbits — edible peel | | | | |

  0232010 | | Cucumbers | Cucumis sativus | | |

  0232020 | | Gherkins | Cucumis sativus | | |

  0232030 | | Courgettes | Cucurbita pepo var. melopepo | Summer squash, marrow (patisson) | |

  0232990 | | Others | | | |

  0233000 | (c)Cucurbits-inedible peel | | | | |

  0233010 | | Melons | Cucumis melo | Kiwano | |

  0233020 | | Pumpkins | Cucurbita maxima | Winter squash | |

  0233030 | | Watermelons | Citrullus lanatus | | |

  0233990 | | Others | | | |

  0234000 | (d)Sweet corn | | Zea mays var. saccharata | | Kernels plus cob without husks |

  0239000 | (e)Other fruiting vegetables | | | | |

  0240000 | (iv)Brassica vegetables | | | | |

  0241000 | (a)Flowering brassica | | | | Curd only |

  0241010 | | Broccoli | Brassica oleracea var. italica | Calabrese, Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab | |

  0241020 | | Cauliflower | Brassica oleracea var. botrytis | | |

  0241990 | | Others | | | |

  0242000 | (b)Head brassica | | | | Whole plant after removal of roots and decayed leaves |

  0242010 | | Brussels sprouts | Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera | | Only cabbage buttons |

  0242020 | | Head cabbage | Brassica oleracea convar. capitata | Pointed head cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, white cabbage | |

  0242990 | | Others | | | |

  0243000 | (c)Leafy brassica | | | | Whole plant after removal of roots and decayed leaves |

  0243010 | | Chinese cabbage | Brassica pekinensis | Indian (Chinese) mustard, pak choi, Chinese flat cabbage (tai goo choi), peking cabbage (pe-tsai), cow cabbage | |

  0243020 | | Kale | Brassica oleracea convar. Acephalea | Borecole (curly kale), collards | |

  0243990 | | Others | | | |

  0244000 | (d)Kohlrabi | | Brassica oleracea convar. acephala, var. gongylodes | | Whole product after removal of roots, tops and adhering soil (if any) |

  0250000 | (v)Leaf vegetables and fresh herbs | | | | Whole product after removal of roots and decayed outer leaves and soil (if any) |

  0251000 | (a)Lettuce and other salad plants including Brassicacea | | | | |

  0251010 | | Lamb's lettuce | Valerianella locusta | Italian cornsalad | |

  0251020 | | Lettuce | Lactuca sativa | Head lettuce, lollo rosso (cutting lettuce), iceberg lettuce, romaine (cos) lettuce | |

  0251030 | | Scarole (broad-leaf endive) | Cichorium endiva | Wild chicory, red-leaved chicory, radicchio, curld leave endive, sugar loaf | |

  0251040 | | Cress | Lepidium sativum | | |

  0251050 | | Land cress | Barbarea verna | | |

  0251060 | | Rocket, Rucola | Eruca sativa (Diplotaxis spec.) | Wild rocket | |

  0251070 | | Red mustard | Brassica juncea var. rugosa | | |

  0251080 | | Leaves and sprouts of Brassica spp | Brassica spp. | Mizuna | |

  0251990 | | Others | | | |

  0252000 | (b)Spinach and similar (leaves) | | | | |

  0252010 | | Spinach | Spinacia oleracea | New Zealand spinach, turnip greens (turnip tops) | |

  0252020 | | Purslane | Portulaca oleracea | Winter purslane (miner’s lettuce), garden purslane, common purslane, sorrel, glassworth | |

  0252030 | | Beet leaves (chard) | Beta vulgaris | Leaves of beetroot | |

  0252990 | | Others | | | |

  0253000 | (c)Vine leaves (grape leaves) | | Vitis euvitis | | |

  0254000 | (d)Water cress | | Nasturtium officinale | | |

  0255000 | (e)Witloof | | Cichorium intybus. var. foliosum | | |

  0256000 | (f)Herbs | | | | |

  0256010 | | Chervil | Anthriscus cerefolium | | |

  0256020 | | Chives | Allium schoenoprasum | | |

  0256030 | | Celery leaves | Apium graveolens var. seccalinum | Fennel leaves, Coriander leaves, dill leaves, Caraway leaves, lovage, angelica, sweet cisely and other Apiacea | |

  0256040 | | Parsley | Petroselinum crispum | | |

  0256050 | | Sage | Salvia officinalis | Winter savory, summer savory | |

  0256060 | | Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | | |

  0256070 | | Thyme | Thymus spp. | Marjoram, oregano | |

  0256080 | | Basil | Ocimum basilicum | Balm leaves, mint, peppermint | |

  0256090 | | Bay leaves (laurel) | Laurus nobilis | | |

  0256100 | | Tarragon | Artemisia dracunculus | Hyssop | |

  0256990 | | Others | | | |

  0260000 | (vi)Legume vegetables (fresh) | | | | Whole product |

  0260010 | | Beans (with pods) | Phaseolus vulgaris | Green bean (french beans, snap beans), scarlet runner bean, slicing bean, yardlong beans | |

  0260020 | | Beans (without pods) | Phaseolus vulgaris | Broad beans, Flageolets, jack bean, lima bean, cowpea | |

  0260030 | | Peas (with pods) | Pisum sativum | Mangetout (sugar peas) | |

  0260040 | | Peas (without pods) | Pisum sativum | Garden pea, green pea, chickpea | |

  0260050 | | Lentils | Lens culinaris syn. L. esculenta | | |

  0260990 | | Others | | | |

  0270000 | (vii)Stem vegetables (fresh) | | | | Whole product after removal of decayed tissue, soil and roots |

  0270010 | | Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis | | |

  0270020 | | Cardoons | Cynara cardunculus | | |

  0270030 | | Celery | Apium graveolens var. dulce | | |

  0270040 | | Fennel | Foeniculum vulgare | | |

  0270050 | | Globe artichokes | Cynara scolymus | | Whole flowerhead including receptacle |

  0270060 | | Leek | Allium porrum | | |

  0270070 | | Rhubarb | Rheum × hybridum | | Stalks after removal of roots and leaves |

  0270080 | | Bamboo shoots | Bambusa vulgaris | | |

  0270090 | | Palm hearts | Euterpa oleracea, Cocos nucifera, Bactris gasipaes, daemonorops schmidtiana | | |

  0270990 | | Others | | | |

  0280000 | (viii)Fungi | | | | Whole product after removal of soil or growing medium |

  0280010 | | Cultivated | | Common mushroom, Oyster mushroom, Shi-take | |

  0280020 | | Wild | | Chanterelle, Truffle, Morel, Cep | |

  0280990 | | Others | | | |

  0290000 | (ix)Sea weeds | | | | Whole product after removal of decayed leaves |

  0300000 | 3.PULSES, DRY | | | | Whole product |

  0300010 | | Beans | Phaseolus vulgaris | Broad beans, navy beans, flageolets, jack beans, lima beans, field beans, cowpeas | |

  0300020 | | Lentils | Lens culinaris syn. L. esculenta | | |

  0300030 | | Peas | Pisum sativum | Chickpeas, field peas, chickling vetch | |

  0300040 | | Lupins | Lupinus spp. | | |

  0300990 | | Others | | | |

  0400000 | 4.OILSEEDS AND OILFRUITS | | | | Whole product after removal of shell, stone and husk when possible |

  0401000 | (i)Oilseeds | | | | |

  0401010 | | Linseed | Linum usitatissimum | | |

  0401020 | | Peanuts | Arachis hypogaea | | |

  0401030 | | Poppy seed | Papaver somniferum | | |

  0401040 | | Sesame seed | Sesamum indicum syn. S. orientale | | |

  0401050 | | Sunflower seed | Helianthus annuus | | |

  0401060 | | Rape seed | Brassica napus | Bird rapeseed, turnip rape | |

  0401070 | | Soya bean | Glycine max | | |

  0401080 | | Mustard seed | Brassica nigra | | |

  0401090 | | Cotton seed | Gossypium spp. | | |

  0401100 | | Pumpkin seeds | Cucurbita pepo var. oleifera | | |

  0401110 | | Safflower | Carthamus tinctorius | | |

  0401120 | | Borage | Borago officinalis | | |

  0401130 | | Gold of pleasure | Camelina sativa | | |

  0401140 | | Hempseed | Cannabis sativa | | |

  0401150 | | Castor bean | Ricinus communis | | |

  0401990 | | Others | | | |

  0402000 | (ii)Oilfruits | | | | |

  0402010 | | Olives for oil production | Olea europaea | | Whole fruit after removal of stems (if any) after removal of soil (if any) |

  0402020 | | Palm nuts (palmoil kernels) | Elaeis guineensis | | |

  0402030 | | Palmfruit | Elaeis guineensis | | |

  0402040 | | Kapok | Ceiba pentandra | | |

  0402990 | | Others | | | |

  0500000 | 5.CEREALS | | | | Whole product |

  0500010 | | Barley | Hordeum spp. | | |

  0500020 | | Buckwheat | Fagopyrum esculentum | | |

  0500030 | | Maize | Zea mays | | |

  0500040 | | Millet | Panicum spp. | Foxtail millet, teff | |

  0500050 | | Oats | Avena fatua | | |

  0500060 | | Rice | Oryza sativa | | |

  0500070 | | Rye | Secale cereale | | |

  0500080 | | Sorghum | Sorghum bicolor | | |

  0500090 | | Wheat | Triticum aestivum | Spelt Triticale | |

  0500990 | | Others | | | |


  0610000 | (i)Tea (dried leaves and stalks, fermented or otherwise of Camellia sinensis) | | Camellia sinensis | | Whole product |

  0620000 | (ii)Coffee beans | | | | Beans only |

  0630000 | (iii)Herbal infusions (dried) | | | | |

  0631000 | (a)Flowers | | | | Whole flowers after removal of stalks and decayed leaves |

  0631010 | | Camomille flowers | Matricaria recutita | | |

  0631020 | | Hybiscus flowers | Hibiscus sabdariffa | | |

  0631030 | | Rose petals | Rosa spec. | | |

  0631040 | | Jasmine flowers | Jasminum officinale | | |

  0631050 | | Lime (linden) | Tillia cordata | | |

  0631990 | | Others | | | |

  0632000 | (b)Leaves | | | | Whole product after removal of roots and decayed leaves |

  0632010 | | Strawberry leaves | Fragaria × ananassa | | |

  0632020 | | Rooibos leaves | Aspalathus spp. | | |

  0632030 | | Maté | Ilex paraguariensis | | |

  0632990 | | Others | | | |

  0633000 | (c)Roots | | | | Whole product after removal of tops and adehering soil by rinsing or brushing |

  0633010 | | Valerian root | Valeriana officinalis | | |

  0633020 | | Ginseng root | Panax ginseng | | |

  0633990 | | Others | | | |

  0639000 | (d)Other herbal infusions | | | | |

  0640000 | (iv)Cocoa (fermented beans) | | Theobroma cacao | | Beans after removal of shells |

  0650000 | (v)Carob (St Johns bread) | | Ceratonia siliqua | | Whole product after removal of stems or the crown |

  0700000 | 7.HOPS (dried), including hop pellets and unconcentrated powder | | Humulus lupulus | | Whole product |

  0800000 | 8.SPICES | | | | Whole product |

  0810000 | (i)Seeds | | | | |

  0810010 | | Anise | Pimpinella anisum | | |

  0810020 | | Black caraway | Nigella sativa | | |

  0810030 | | Celery seed | Apium graveolens | Lovage seed | |

  0810040 | | Coriander seed | Coriandrum sativum | | |

  0810050 | | Cumin seed | Cuminum cyminum | | |

  0810060 | | Dill seed | Anethum graveolens | | |

  0810070 | | Fennel seed | Foeniculum vulgare | | |

  0810080 | | Fenugreek | Trigonella foenumgraecum | | |

  0810090 | | Nutmeg | Myristica fragans | | |

  0810990 | | Others | | | |

  0820000 | (ii)Fruits and berries | | | | |

  0820010 | | Allspice | Pimenta dioica | | |

  0820020 | | Anise pepper (Japan pepper) | Zanthooxylum piperitum | | |

  0820030 | | Caraway | Carum carvi | | |

  0820040 | | Cardamom | Elettaria cardamomum | | |

  0820050 | | Juniper berries | Juniperus communis | | |

  0820060 | | Pepper, black and white | Piper nigrum | Long pepper, pink pepper | |

  0820070 | | Vanilla pods | Vanilla fragrans syn. Vanilla planifolia | | |

  0820080 | | Tamarind | Tamarindus indica | | |

  0820990 | | Others | | | |

  0830000 | (iii)Bark | | | | |

  0830010 | | Cinnamon | Cinnamonum verum syn. C. zeylanicum | Cassia | |

  0830990 | | Others | | | |

  0840000 | (iv)Roots or rhizome | | | | |

  0840010 | | Liquorice | Glycyrrhiza glabra | | |

  0840020 | | Ginger | Zingiber officinale | | |

  0840030 | | Turmeric (Curcuma) | Curcuma domestica syn. C. longa | | |

  0840040 | | Horseradish | Armoracia rusticana | | |

  0840990 | | Others | | | |

  0850000 | (v)Buds | | | | |

  0850010 | | Cloves | Syzygium aromaticum | | |

  0850020 | | Capers | Capparis spinosa | | |

  0850990 | | Others | | | |

  0860000 | (vi)Flower stigma | | | | |

  0860010 | | Saffron | Crocus sativus | | |

  0860990 | | Others | | | |

  0870000 | (vii)Aril | | | | |

  0870010 | | Mace | Myristica fragrans | | |

  0870990 | | Others | | | |

  0900000 | 9.SUGAR PLANTS | | | | |

  0900010 | | Sugar beet (root) | Beta vulgaris | | Whole product after removal of tops and adhering soil by rinsing or brushing |

  0900020 | | Sugar cane | Saccharum officinarum | | Whole product after removal of decayed tissue, soil and roots |

  0900030 | | Chicory roots | Cichorium intybus | | Whole product after removal of tops and adehering soil by rinsing or brushing |

  0900990 | | Others | | | |


  1010000 | (i)Meat, preparations of meat, offals, blood, animal fats; fresh, chilled or frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked or processed as flours or meals; other processed products such as sausages and food preparations based on these | | | | Whole product or the fat fraction only |

  1011000 | (a)Swine | | Sus scrofa | | |

  1011010 | | Meat | | | |

  1011020 | | Fat free of lean meat | | | |

  1011030 | | Liver | | | |

  1011040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1011050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1011990 | | Others | | | |

  1012000 | (b)Bovine | | Bos spec. | | |

  1012010 | | Meat | | | |

  1012020 | | Fat | | | |

  1012030 | | Liver | | | |

  1012040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1012050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1012990 | | Others | | | |

  1013000 | (c)Sheep | | Ovis aries | | |

  1013010 | | Meat | | | |

  1013020 | | Fat | | | |

  1013030 | | Liver | | | |

  1013040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1013050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1013990 | | Others | | | |

  1014000 | (d)Goat | | Capra hircus | | |

  1014010 | | Meat | | | |

  1014020 | | Fat | | | |

  1014030 | | Liver | | | |

  1014040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1014050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1014990 | | Others | | | |

  1015000 | (e)Horses, asses, mules or hinnies | | Equus spec. | | |

  1015010 | | Meat | | | |

  1015020 | | Fat | | | |

  1015030 | | Liver | | | |

  1015040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1015050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1015990 | | Others | | | |

  1016000 | (f)Poultry — chicken, geese, duck, turkey and Guinea fowl — ostrich, pigeon | | Gallus gallus, Anser anser, Anas platyrhynchos, Meleagris gallopavo, Numida meleagris, Coturnix coturnix, Struthio camelus, Columba sp. | | |

  1016010 | | Meat | | | |

  1016020 | | Fat | | | |

  1016030 | | Liver | | | |

  1016040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1016050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1016990 | | Others | | | |

  1017000 | (g)Other farm animals | | | Rabbit, Kangaroo | |

  1017010 | | Meat | | | |

  1017020 | | Fat | | | |

  1017030 | | Liver | | | |

  1017040 | | Kidney | | | |

  1017050 | | Edible offal | | | |

  1017990 | | Others | | | |

  1020000 | (ii)Milk and cream, not concentrated, nor containing added sugar or sweetening matter, butter and other fats derived from milk, cheese and curd | | | | Whole product or the fat fraction only |

  1020010 | | Cattle | | | |

  1020020 | | Sheep | | | |

  1020030 | | Goat | | | |

  1020040 | | Horse | | | |

  1020990 | | Others | | | |

  1030000 | (iii)Birds’ eggs, fresh preserved or cooked; Shelled eggs and egg yolks fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved whether or not containing added sugar or sweetening matter | | | | Whole product or the fat fraction only |

  1030010 | | Chicken | | | |

  1030020 | | Duck | | | |

  1030030 | | Goose | | | |

  1030040 | | Quail | | | |

  1030990 | | Others | | | |

  1040000 | (iv)Honey | | Apis melifera, Melipona spec. | Royal jelly, pollen | |

  1050000 | (v)Amphibians and reptiles | | Rana spec. Crocodilia spec. | Frog legs, crocodiles | |

  1060000 | (vi)Snails | | Helix spec. | | |

  1070000 | (vii)Other terrestrial animal products | | | | |







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