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一般货物出口管制通则(Export Control (Prescribed Goods —General) Order 2005)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-15 20:20:38  来源:澳大利亚联邦共和国  浏览次数:3928
发布文号 F2009C01266
发布日期 2009-12-10 生效日期 2009-12-10
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该细则是根据《出口管制法案》和《出口管制实施条例(细则)》制定的,主要应用于一般的货物的出口管理,内容包括出口管制细则的应用范围、免税的一般通则、报关的注册登记、信息和文件的电子传输、出口许可相关事宜、出口的自动许可、政府证书发布、出口认可安排、出口承担的相关费用事宜、评估审核、强制性标识、样品分析、操作指南、许可复议等。

  Part 1 Preliminary

  1.01 Name of Order [see Note 1]

  1.02 Commencement

  1.03 Application of this Order

  1.04 Purposes of this Order

  1.05 Interpretation

  1.06 Application of Orders to partnerships

  1.07 Declaration of certain prescribed goods

  Part 2 Application of Export Control Orders

  2.01 Export Control Orders not to apply to certain exports

  2.02 Export Control Orders not to apply to certain goods exported to New Zealand

  Part 3 Exemptions

  3.01 Granting of exemption

  3.02 Application for exemptions

  3.03 Grant and effect of exemptions

  Part 4 Registered establishments

  Division 4.1 Preliminary

  4.01 Definitions for Part

  Division 4.2 How establishments become registered

  4.02 Exception for certain ships

  4.03 Application for registration

  4.04 Registration requirements for new establishments

  4.05 Who is a fit and proper person

  4.06 Undertakings to pay certain liabilities to Commonwealth

  4.07 Conditions of registration

  4.08 Registration period

  4.09 Number and certificate

  4.10 Copy of certificate to be displayed

  Division 4.3 Renewal of registration

  4.11 Application for renewal

  4.12 Renewal of registration

  4.13 Number and certificate

  Division 4.4 Changes of which Secretary must be notified

  4.14 Secretary to be notified if occupancy ceases

  4.15 Registration lapses if occupancy ceases

  4.16 Notification of change in corporation or partnership

  4.17 Continuation of registration after change in management or control etc

  4.18 Other events of which occupier must inform Secretary

  4.19 Change of occupier’s name or address

  Division 4.5 Alterations to registered establishments

  4.20 Alterations or additions to be approved

  Division 4.6 Variation of export operations

  4.21 Additional operations not to be carried out

  4.22 Application for approval of additional operations

  4.23 Secretary may vary registration

  4.24 New certificate of registration

  Division 4.7 Suspension of registration

  4.25 Grounds for suspension

  4.26 Period of suspension

  4.27 Suspension for non-payment of debts

  4.28 Establishment not registered for certain purposes during suspension

  Division 4.8 Revocation of registration

  4.29 Grounds for revocation

  4.30 Notice of revocation

  Division 4.9 Suspension of operations

  4.31 Suspension related to hygiene, inspection etc

  4.32 Suspension at request of occupier

  Part 5 Electronic transmission of information and documents

  5.01 Electronic communication systems

  5.02 Use of identifying codes

  Part 6 Export permits and related matters

  6.01 Meaning of application for export permit

  6.02 Issue of permits

  6.03 Variation of permits after issue

  6.04 Validity of permit

  6.05 Permit may be revoked if goods do not comply etc

  6.06 Revoked permit to be surrendered

  6.07 Exporter to be responsible for goods

  6.08 Inspection and verification of condition of goods

  6.09 Inspection of goods if condition changed etc

  6.10 Abandonment of intention to export

  6.11 Inspection of suspect goods

  Part 7 Automated issue of permits

  Part 8 Government certificates

  8.01 Purpose of this Part

  8.02 Applications for government certificates

  8.03 Issue of government certificates for prescribed goods

  8.04 Restrictions on issuing government certificates for prescribed goods

  8.05 Government certificates for goods other than prescribed goods

  Part 9 Approved arrangements

  Part 10 Exporters’ obligations

  Part 11 Audit

  Part 12 Alternative methods of compliance

  Part 13 Official marks and official marking devices

  13.01 Tolerances for dimensions of official marks

  13.02 Declaration of official mark — Australia Inspected

  13.03 Declaration of official mark — Australia Inspected (for lamb)

  13.04 Declaration of official mark — Restricted Australia

  13.05 Declaration of official marks — halal meat

  13.06 Declaration of official marks — foreign country identification

  13.07 Declaration of official marks — approved for export

  13.08 Declaration of official marks — carton seals

  13.09 Declaration of official marks — goods opened for inspection and re-sealed

  13.10 Declaration of official marks — seal

  13.11 Declaration of official marks — DAFFA

  13.12 Declaration of official marks — Australia Approved

  13.13 Declaration of official marks — Australia Approved (lamb)

  13.14 Declaration of official mark

  13.15 Declaration of official mark — European Union mark

  13.16 Declaration of official marks — pentagonal mark

  13.17 Declaration of official marking devices

  13.18 Use and possession of official marks etc

  13.19 Security of official marking devices

  13.20 Record-keeping as to use of official marking devices

  13.21 Damaged official marking devices etc

  Part 14 Sampling and analysis

  14.01 How sampling and analysis are to be done

  14.02 Who can analyse samples

  14.03 Certificate of analysis as evidence

  14.04 Copy of certificate of analysis

  Part 15 Directions powers

  Part 16 Reconsideration and review of decisions

  16.01 Definitions — decision and initial decision

  16.02 Application for reconsideration by Secretary

  16.03 Secretary to reconsider decision

  16.04 Effect of Secretary’s decision

  16.05 Application to Administrative Appeals Tribunal

  Part 17 Miscellaneous

  17.01 Application and removal of identification

  17.02 Handling of goods etc identified at registered establishment etc

  17.03 Provision of services of authorised officers

  17.04 Obligation to comply with directions of authorised officers

  17.05 Meaning of Penal provision and Level x penal provision

  Part 18 Transitional, savings and repeals

  18.01 Repeal of Prescribed Goods (General) Orders 1985

  18.02 Transitional — administrative actions under repealed Orders

 具体内容请详见 一般货物出口控制通则(Export Control (Prescribed Goods —General) Order 2005) — F2009C01266.pdf

      有关《出口管制法案》和《出口管制实施条例(细则)》内容,请详见澳大利亚出口管制法案(Export Control Act 1982)澳大利亚出口管制实施条例(细则)(Export Control (Orders) Regulations 1982)



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