当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »营养素含量声称(食品标签和广告指南第七章)((Nutrient Content Claims)

营养素含量声称(食品标签和广告指南第七章)((Nutrient Content Claims)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-20 07:18:17  来源:加拿大食品检验局  浏览次数:4281
发布文号 2010/CFIA
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 本章内容对各种营养素含量的声称方法和要求进行了规定,提出了对含量声称的一般要求及声称时的措词,对维生素和矿物质的量的声称,一些禁止在食品中出现或者可以不标注的营养成分的声称都提出了具体要求。此外,还对营养成分含量在进行广告时的具体要求,及如何在营养标签中声称,如何使用营养成分含量声称,以及各种不同营养成分含量具体的声称要求都分别进行了标准制定。

       更多有关食品标签和广告指南规定,请详见 加拿大食品标签和广告指南(Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising)汇总,其它国家和地区的致敏原标识规定,请详见 致敏原及其标识的国内外法规现状

  Chapter 7 - Nutrient Content Claims

  Table of Contents

  7.1 Introduction

  7.2 Transition Period

  7.3 Permitted Nutrient Content References

  7.3.1 Other Permitted Nutrient-Related Statements

  7.4 Quantitative Declarations Outside the Nutrition Facts Table

  Units Required for Quantitative Declarations Outside the Nutrition Facts Table - Table 7-1

  7.5 Making Nutrient Content Claims: General Requirements

  7.6 Altering the Wording of Permitted Nutrient Content Claims

  Altering Permitted Nutrient Content Claims - Table 7-2

  7.7 Nutrient Content Claims for Vitamins and Minerals: General Requirements

  7.8 Nutrient Content Claims on Foods Exempted or Prohibited from Showing a Nutrition Facts Table

  7.8.1 Products Not Required to Show the Nutrition Facts Table

  7.8.2 Claims Made on Labels of Small Packages

  7.8.3 Claims Made on Foods Prohibited from Showing a Nutrition Facts Table

  7.9 Comparative Claims

  7.9.1 Conditions for Use of Comparative Claims

  7.9.2 Definitions

  7.9.3 Labelling Requirements for Comparative Claims

  7.9.4 Comparative Claims for Vitamin and Mineral Nutrients

  7.10 "Light" Claims

  7.10.1 Other Permitted "Light" Claims

  7.11 Advertising Requirements for Nutrient Content Claims

  7.11.1 General Requirements and Definitions

  7.11.2 Media-Specific Requirements for Nutrient Content Claims

  7.11.3 Advertisements Other Than Those for Radio or Television

  7.11.4 Advertisements for Radio or Television

  7.11.5 Advertisements Making Vitamin and Mineral Nutrient Content Claims

  7.12 Nutrient Content Claims Made in Restaurants

  7.13 How to Use the Claims Tables

  7.14 Energy and Calorie Claims

  7.14.1 Changes to the Food and Drug Regulations

  7.14.2 Superlative Claims for Energy

  Summary Table of Energy and Calorie Claims Table - Table 7-3

  7.15 Protein Claims

  7.15.1 Representations about Proteins and Amino Acids

  7.15.2 Other Permitted References to Protein

  Summary Table of Protein Claims - Table 7-4

  7.16 Fat Claims

  7.16.1 Permitted Claims for Fat

  Summary Table of Fat Claims - Table 7-5

  7.17 Saturated Fatty Acid Claims

  Summary Table of Saturated Fatty Acid Claims - Table 7-6

  7.18 Trans Fatty Acid Claims

  Summary Table of Trans Fatty Acid Claims - Table 7-7

  7.19 Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Claims

  7.19.1 Quantitative Statements for Omega-3 or Omega-6 Fatty Acids

  Summary Table of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturates Claims - Table 7-8

  7.20 Cholesterol Claims

  Summary Table of Cholesterol Claims - Table 7-9

  7.21 Sodium (Salt) Claims

  7.21.1 Salted

  7.21.2 Sodium Claims on Foods that Contain Added Potassium Salts

  7.21.3 Ingredients that Functionally Substitute for Salt

  7.21.4 "Sodium-free" Claim on Bottled Water

  Summary Table for Sodium (Salt) Claims - Table 7-10

  7.22 Potassium Claims

  Summary Table of Potassium Claims - Table 7-11

  7.23 Carbohydrate and Sugars Claims

  7.23.1 Other Permitted Representations

  7.23.2 Ingredients that Functionally Substitute for Added Sugars

  7.23.3 Addition of Sugar Alcohols

  7.23.4 Sweet Taste

  Summary Table for Carbohydrate and Sugars Claims - Table 7-12

  7.24 Dietary Fibre Claims

  Summary Table of Permitted Fibre Claims - Table 7-13

  7.25 Vitamin and Mineral Nutrient Claims

  7.25.1 Other Permitted Statements about Vitamin and Mineral Nutrient Content

  7.25.2 When Vitamins or Mineral Nutrients are Added Directly or as Components of an Ingredient

  7.25.3 Claims for Vitamin and Mineral Nutrients which are Present in Ingredients Exempted from Component Declaration

  Summary Table of Vitamin and Mineral Claims - Table 7-14

  7.25.4 Claims on Foods for Adults and Children Two Years of Age or Over

  Nutrient Levels for Vitamin / Mineral Claims: Adults and Children Two Years of Age or Over - Table 7-15

  7.25.5 Claims on Foods for Infants and Children Under Two Years of Age

  Nutrient Levels for Vitamin / Mineral Claims: Children Under Two - Table 7-16

  Annex 7-1 Foods to Which Vitamins, Mineral Nutrients and Amino Acids May or Must be Added

  Annex 7-2 Decision Tree for Advertising Requirements, Nutrient Content Claims

  Next page: Chapter 7 - Nutrient Content Claims

      具体内容见附件   营养成分含量标注要求.PDF



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