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食品标签的健康声明(食品标签和广告指南第八章)(Health Claims)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-20 07:41:34  来源:加拿大食品检验局  浏览次数:4261
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备注 健康声明能够有效表明所食用食品中的营养成分对人体健康的影响,健康声明必须能够准确表达,不能误导广大消费者。相关的功能性必须通过相关的认证,并符合《食品条例》的要求。本章对食品健康声明的一般原则,营养成分的功能性,益生功能等都进行了规定。此外具体对节食减肥功能,心脏健康功能等分别进行了详细介绍和规定。

       更多有关食品标签和广告指南规定,请详见 加拿大食品标签和广告指南(Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising)汇总,其它国家和地区的致敏原标识规定,请详见 致敏原及其标识的国内外法规现状

  Chapter 8 - Health Claims


  Table of Contents

  8.1 Introduction

  8.2 General Principles for Health Claims

  8.2.1 Avoiding Misleading Claims

  8.2.2 Industry's Responsibility for Health Claims That Are Truthful and Not Misleading

  8.3 Food, Drugs, Natural Health Products and Claims

  8.4 Disease Risk Reduction Claims

  8.4.1 Permitted Disease Risk Reduction Claims

  8.4.2 Prescribed Wording for Disease Risk Reduction Claims [B.01.601, B.01.603]

  8.4.3 Presenting Required Information for Disease Risk Reduction Claims

  8.4.4 Prohibitions on the Use of Disease Risk Reduction Claims [B.01.601 (1)(c)]

  8.4.5 Summary Table of Disease Risk Reduction Claims Table 8-1

  8.5 Function Claims

  8.5.1 Conditions for Function Claims

  8.5.2 Labelling Information for Function Claims

  8.5.3 Summary Table of Acceptable Function Claims as Applied to Food or Food Constituents Table 8-2

  8.5.4 Acceptability of New Function Claims

  8.6 Nutrient Function Claims (Biological Role Claims)

  8.6.1 Conditions for Nutrient Function Claims

  8.6.2 Labelling Requirements for Nutrient Function Claims for Prepackaged Products and Advertisements Placed by the Manufacturer or Importer

  8.6.3 Requirements for Nutrient Function Claims for Non-Prepackaged Products or for Advertisements Placed by Someone Other Than the Manufacturer or Importer [B.01.312]

  8.6.4 Summary Table of Acceptable Nutrient Function Claims Table 8-3

  Acceptability of New Nutrient Function Claims

  8.7 Probiotic Claims

  8.7.1 Conditions for Probiotic Claims

  8.7.2 Acceptable Non-Strain-Specific Claims for Probiotics

  8.7.3 Summary Table of Acceptable Non-Strain-Specific Claims for Probiotics and Eligible Species for the Claims Table 8-4

  8.8 Testimonials and Guarantees Regarding Vitamin and Mineral Nutrients

  8.9 Other Information About Diet and Disease

  8.10 Some Examples of Non-Permitted Drug Claims for Foods

  8.10.1 "Medicated" Claims

  8.10.2 Laxative and Laxation Claims

  8.10.3 Tonic Foods

  8.11 Obesity, Weight Loss, Weight Reduction and Maintenance

  8.11.1 Obesity: Diet Plans

  8.11.2 Foods Represented for Use in Weight Maintenance

  8.12 Educational Material Versus Advertising Material

  8.13 Third-Party Endorsements, Logos and Seals of Approval

  8.14 Heart Symbols and Heart Health Claims

  8.14.1 Heart Symbols

  8.14.2 Heart Symbols and Disease Risk Reduction Claims

  8.15 Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide and Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide: A Resource for Educators and Communicators

  8.15.1 Reproduction of Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide

  8.16 References

  Annex 8-1 Schedules 1 and 2 of the Natural Health Products Regulations

  Annex 8-2 Schedule A Diseases from the Food and Drugs Act [Section 3]

  Annex 8-3 Reference List for Probiotic Claims

  Annex 8-4 Policy Respecting the Use of Heart Symbols and Heart Health Claims on Food Labels and in Food Advertisements

  Annex 8-5 Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide

  Annex 8-6 Reference List of Historical Documents
     具体内容见附件   食品标签的健康声明.PDF



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