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发布文号 2010/CFIA
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备注 本章对蜂蜜产品的标签内容进行了相关规定,包括产品名称在标签中的位置,印刷字体高度,语言,产品的净含量,产品的等级标准,字体的颜色和大小,产品的产地,成分列表,营养标签,不同包装容器所应用的不同标签大小,格式和字体等。

       更多有关食品标签和广告指南规定,请详见 加拿大食品标签和广告指南(Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising)汇总,其它国家和地区的致敏原标识规定,请详见 致敏原及其标识的国内外法规现状

  Chapter 12 - Guide to the Labelling of Honey

    Prepackaged and Bulk Product

  Chapter 12 of this Guide applies to pure honey (creamed or liquid or pasteurized) which has been produced in federally registered establishments and is destined for interprovincial or import or export trade and is covered under the Honey Regulations. Some comments have been included for honey which is not covered under the Honey Regulations as it is not traded inter-provincially or imported or exported or because it differs from the standard of identity for honey (e.g. strawberry flavoured honey)。 Comments have also been included for related honey products, such as honey on honey combs, which are not covered by standards under the Honey Regulations.

  All of these products are also regulated by the

  Food and Drugs Act (FDA);

  Food and Drug Regulations (FDR);

  Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (CPLA);

  Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations (CPLR)。

  12.1 Common Name [35(1)(a)(i), 47(10(c)(i), Schedule I Table IV,  HR; B.01.001, B.01.006; 10(b)(ii), CPLA]

  Honey Covered by the Honey Regulations

  The common names for honey are detailed in section 35(1) and 47(1)(c)(I) of the Honey Regulations. Common names may include "honeydew honey", "Lavender honey", "Rubinia honey", "alfalfa honey", "Banksia menziesii honey", or the name "honey" either alone or accompanied by the name of the blossom (e.g. clover honey)。 The composition standards for each of the variety honeys is found in Table IV, Schedule I of the Honey Regulations.

  Honey and Honey Products Not Covered by the Honey Regulations

  The common name for honey is prescribed in Sections B.18.025-B.18.027 of the Food and Drug Regulations. Products described as honey must meet these standards of identity.

  If a honey is combined with another ingredient, such as a flavour, royal jelly, or other, the common name must describe how the product deviates from the standard (i.e. strawberry flavoured honey, honey with royal jelly, etc.)。 For all other products, such as Royal Jelly, the common name must be descriptive of the product.

  12.1.1 Location on the Label [35(1)(a)(I), 47(1)(c), HR; B.01.006(1); 12(b), CPLR]

  The common name must be shown on the principal display panel of the label.

  12.1.2 Minimum Type Height [35(3), 47(2), HR; 14(1), 15, CPLR]

  The minimum type height must be 1.6 mm.

  12.1.3 Language [35(2), 47(4) HR; B.01.001, B.01.012(2); 6(2), CPLR]

  The common name must appear in both French and English.

  12.2 Net Quantity Declaration [35(1)(a)(IV), 47(1)(c)(IV), HR; 4, CPLA; 22(1), CPLR]

  For honey, the net quantity must declared in metric units of weight (grams "g" or kilograms "kg")。 For honey graded under the Honey Regulations, there are standard container sizes which are listed below.

  12.2.1 Standard Container Sizes for Honey [29(2), 29(4), 31, 47(1)(b), HR]

  The standard container sizes are applicable for honey which has been graded according to the Honey Regulations or that is marketed by a registered establishment - any weight up to an including 150 g, 250 g, 375 g, 500 g, 750 g, 1 kg, 1.5 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg or 5 kg

  The Minister may permit the sale of honey packed in novelty containers of non-standard sizes. He may authorize for experimental use containers not set out in section 29. [29(4), 31, HR]

  12.2.2 Location on the Label [35(1)(a), 47(2), HR; B.01.006(1); 12(a), CPLR]

  The net quantity declaration be shown on the principal display panel of the label.

  12.2.3 Minimum Type Height [35(4), 47(3), HR; 14, 15, CPLR]

  For the type height requirements for the numeric portion of the net quantity declaration, please refer to section 12.4.4 below. The type height for the symbols "kg" and "g" shall appear in lettering not less than 1.6 mm in height.

  12.2.4 Language [35(2), 47(4), HR; B.01.012(2); 6(2), CPLR]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.3 Honey: Grade [5.(1), 5.1(a) & (b), 7, 35(1)(a)(ii), 47(1)(c), Schedule 1, Table III, HR]

  The grade or grade designation is required on the label of all honey that is subject to the Honey Regulations. These grades may not be used on products which do not meet the requirements of the Honey Regulations.

  Honey to which the Honey Regulations apply, that is sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption but does not meet the requirements of Canada No. 1, Canada No. 2 or Canada No. 3 grade, shall be marked "substandard". Substandard grades are not permitted for imported products.

  Grades (domestic product or repackaged imported product) or Grade designations may be used in the following cases:

  when regulations specifically state that the grade of the product may be declared on the label;

  when the product has been manufactured, graded and repackaged in a registered establishment [5.1(a) & (b), HR]; or the product was imported and sold in its original container [47(1)(c)(ii), HR].

  A grade declaration on a product for which a grade standard is prescribed cannot be used unless the Canadian business is registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)。

  Canadian Honey or repackaged and graded Imported Honey

  CANADA No. 1

  CANADA No. 2

  CANADA No. 3

  substandard / sous-régulière (see above)

  Imported Honey in original containers

  GRADE No. 1 / CATéGORIE No. 1

  GRADE No. 2 / CATéGORIE No. 2

  GRADE No. 3 / CATéGORIE No. 3

  Note: Combining declarations of country of origin and grade is not permitted, e.g. "Product of / Produit du Canada No. 1" is not a permitted statement.

  12.3.1 Location on the Label [35(1)(a), 47(1)(c), 47(2), HR]

  The grade or grade designation must appear on the principal display surface of the label.

  12.3.2 Minimum Type Height [35(3), 47(2), HR]

  Refer to 12.4.4 below.

  12.3.3 Language [35(2), 47(4), HR; B.01.011]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.4 Honey: Colour [35(1)(a)(ii), 47(1)(c)(ii), Schedule 1, Table i, HR]

  The colour class designation is required immediately following the Grade designation on the label of all honey that is subject to the Honey Regulations. These classes may not be used on products which do not meet the requirements of the Honey Regulations.

  Colour Class Designation for Prepackaged Honey

Class Designation on Honey Classifier Reading on Pfund Honey Grader
White not darker than White not more than 30 mm
Golden darker than White, but not darker than Golden more than 30 mm but not more than 50 mm
Amber darker than Golden, but not darker than Amber more than 50 mm but not more than 85 mm
Dark darker than Amber more than 85 mm

  12.4.1 Location on the Label [35(1)(a)(ii), HR]

  12.4.1 Location on the Label [35(1)(a)(ii), HR]

  The class designation must be printed immediately after the grade on the principal display surface of the label.

  12.4.2 Minimum Type Height [35(3), 47(2), HR]

  Refer to 12.4.4 below.

  12.4.3 Language [35(2), 47(4), HR]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.4.4 Type Height for Net Quantity, Grade and Colour Declarations

Column I Area of Principal Display Surface

Column II Minimum Height of Letters In Inches

Column II  Minimum Height of Letter In Millimetres

1. Not more than 5 in2 (32 cm2) 1/16 1.6
2. More than 5 in2 (32 cm2) but not more than 40 in2 (258 cm2) 1/8 3.2
3. More than 40 in2 (258 in2) but not more than 100 in2 (645 cm2) 1/4 6.4
4. More than 100 in2 (645 cm2) but not more than 400 in2 (25.8 dm2) 3/8 9.5
5. More than 400 in2 (25.8 dm2) 1/2 12.7


  12.5 Other Required Markings

  12.5.1 Applicable Words [35(1)(a)(v), 47(1)(c)(vii), HR]

  For honey subject to the Honey Regulations, the following information must also appear, where applicable:

  the word "liquid" (liquide)

  the word "creamed" (en crème) or any other word indicating that the contents are granulated

  the word "pasteurized" (pasteurisé) (Domestic only)

  the word "pressed" (de presse)

  12.5.2 Location on the Label [35(1)(a), 47(2), HR]

  This information must be written on the principal display surface of the label.

  12.5.3 Minimum Type Height [35(3), 47(2), HR]

  The minimum type height must be 1.6 mm.

  12.5.4 Language [35(2), 47(4), HR]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.5.5. Brand or Trade Name  [35(1)(b)(ii), HR]

  The brand or trade name (if any)must also be shown on the label and may appear on any panel other than the one located on the bottom of the container. This applies to domestic product only.

  12.6 Name and Address [35(1)(b)(I), 47(1)(c)(vi), HR]

  12.6.1 Location on the Label [35(1)(b)(I), 47(1)(c)(vi), 47(2), HR; 13, CPLR]

  For domestic honey covered by the Honey Regulations, the following must appear on any panel of the label other than a panel located on the bottom of the container:

  name and address of the packer, or

  the name and address of the first dealer and the registration number of the packer

  For imported honey covered by the Honey Regulations, the following must be clearly and prominently displayed on the label so as to be readily discernible:

  the name and address in full of the packer or importer.

  For honey and honey products not covered by the Honey Regulations, the name and address must be shown as for all other prepackaged products, i.e., on any part of the label except that part of the label , if any applied to the bottom of the container. The name and address may appear in one of three formats for imported products:

  The name and address of the foreign producer;

  The Canadian name and address of the importer preceded by the words "imported by/ importé par"

  The Canadian name and address of the importer followed by the country of origin.

  12.6.2 Minimum Type Height [35(3), 47(2), HR]

  The minimum type height is 1.6 mm.

  12.6.3 Language [35(2), 47(4), HR]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.7 Country of Origin [37, 47(1)(c)(v), HR]

  For products not covered by the Honey Regulations, there is no requirement for country of origin markings beyond the name and address requirements indicated above 12.6.1 of this Guide.

  For honey covered by the Honey Regulations, see the requirements indicated below.

  Domestic Honey [37(1), HR]

  Where honey produced in Canada is graded under the Honey Regulations, the container shall be marked with the words "Product of Canada" / "Produit du Canada" or "Canadian Honey" / "Miel canadien".

  Imported Honey  [37(2), 47(1)(c)(v), 52(2), HR]

  Where imported honey is repacked (unblended) as prepackaged honey and graded under the Honey Regulations, the containers shall be marked with the name of the country of origin preceded by the words "Product of".

  Prepackaged imported honey must be marked with the name of the country of origin preceded by the words "Product of". [47(1)(c)(v), HR]

  Blend of Domestic and Imported Honey  [37(3), 52(1), HR]

  Where imported honey is blended with Canadian honey and is graded under the Honey Regulations, the container must be marked with the words "A Blend of Canadian and (naming the source or sources) Honey" or "mélange de miel canadien et de miel (naming the source or sources)" or "A blend (naming the source or sources) Honey and Canadian Honey" or "mélange de miel (naming the source or sources) et de miel canadien". The sources must be named in descending order of their proportion.

  12.7.1 Location on the Label [35(1)(b), HR; 13, 31(4), CPLR ]

  The statement of geographic origin shall be located immediately adjacent to the declaration of the dealer identity and principal place of business (see 12.6.1 of this Guide)

  12.7.2 Minimum Type Height [35(3), HR; 14(4), CPLR ]

  The minimum type height must be 1.6 mm.

  12.7.3 Language [35(2), 47(4) HR]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.8 List of Ingredients

  For single ingredient foods such as pure honey, the common name of the product is considered to be the list of ingredients.

  Multi-ingredient honey products such as flavoured honey, must show a list of ingredients must appear on any surface of the container, with the exception of the bottom in both French and English. The list of ingredients must comply with requirements of the Food and Drug Regulations. See 2.8 of this Guide for more information on how to declare the list of ingredients. Note: In some cases the common name may suffice as the list of ingredients if the name is sufficiently descriptive.

  12.8.1 Location on the Label [B.01.005]

  The list of ingredients can be indicated on any surface of the label except the bottom.

  12.8.2 Minimum Type Height [35(3), HR; 14(4), CPLR ]

  The minimum type height must be 1.6 mm.

  12.8.3 Language [B.01.012(2)]

  This information must appear in French and English.

  12.9   Nutrition Labelling

  Amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations made nutrition labelling mandatory for most pre-packaged products by December 12, 2007. More details on the requirements for nutrition labelling can be found in Chapters 5 and 6 of this Guide.

  12.10  Nutrient  Content Claims

  Nutrient content claims can be made on some processed products. For more information on the conditions for making these claims, refer to Chapter 7 of this Guide.

  12.11  Exemptions for Products for Export [54, HR]

  Section 54 of the Honey Regulations permits the exportation of honey which does not meet the provisions of the Regulations if

  the registration number of the establishment in which the honey was packed is marked on the label of the container;

  the lot number of the code of the shipment is marked on the label or embossed on the container

  the markings on the label or the container do not misrepresent the quality, quantity, colour class, composition, characteristics, origin, safety or value of the honey;

  the shipper provides to the inspector a signed statement certifying that the container and labelling meet the requirements of the importing country; and if

  the signed statement is included in the export documentation.

  12.12 Labelling Requirements for Packages and Bulk Containers of Honey (subject to the Honey Regulations)

  12.12.1 Common Name [36(1)(a), 47(1)(d)(I), HR]

  See common names for prepackaged honey. (12.1 of this Guide)

  12.12.2 Net Quantity Declaration [36(1)(d), 36(1)(e.I), 47(1)(d)(IV),HR]

  The net quantity must be declared in metric format in kilograms, or if less than one kilogram, in grams.

  12.12.3 Standardized Container Sizes Honey Packaged in Bulk [30(2), 31, 47(1)(b),HR]

  The standardized container sizes for honey packaged in bulk are 7 kg, 15 kg, 30 kg, or in containers larger than 30 kg that are a multiple of 1 kg.

  The Minister may authorize for experimental use containers not set out in section 30. [31,HR]

  12.12.4 The Number of Containers  [36(1)(d), 47(1)(d)(iv),HR]

  The Number of Containers within the Package must be Indicated

  12.12.5 Grade Name and Colour Classification   [36(1)(b), 47(1)(d)(ii), Table ii, Schedule I,HR]

  The grade name of the honey must be immediately followed by its colour classification. The colour classification for honey packed in bulk containers is different from that packed in prepackaged containers. The grade names are the same as for prepackaged honey.

  12.12.6 Colour Class Designation for Honey Packed in Bulk Containers [ [36(1)(b), 47(1)(d)(ii), Schedule 1, Table II, HR

 Class Designation on Honey Classifier Reading on Pfund Honey Grader
Extra White not darker than Extra White not more than 13 mm
White darker than Extra White but not darker than White more than 13 mm but not more than 30 mm
Golden darker than White but not darker than Golden more than 30 mm but not more than 50 mm
Light Amber darker than Golden but not darker than Amber more than 50 mm but not more than 85 mm
Dark Amber darker than Amber but not darker than Dark more than 85 mm but not more than 114 mm
Dark darker than Dark more than 114 mm

   12.12.7 Other Required Markings - Applicable Words

  The following words are required, where applicable [36(1)(g), 47(1)(d)(vii), HR]

  "liquid" or "liquide"

  "creamed" or "en crème" or any other words indicating the contents are granulated

  "pasteurized" or "pasteurisé (Domestic Only)

  "pressed" or "de presse"

  12.12.8 Lot Number [36(1)(f), HR]

  A lot number is required on domestic honey subject to the Honey Regulations and which is packed in a bulk container. This information must appear with a minimum type size height of 9.5 mm.

  12.12.9 Name and Address [36(1)(c), 47(1)(d)(vi), HR]

  Domestic Honey

  The name, address and registration number of the packer


  the name and address of the first dealer and the registration number of the packer must be indicated on the container.

  Imported Honey [47(1)(d)(vi), HR]

  The name and address in full of the packer or importer must be indicated on the container.

  12.12.10 Country of Origin   [37, 47(1)(d)(v),HR]

  Domestic Honey [37(1), HR]

  Where honey produced in Canada is graded under the Honey Regulations, the container shall be marked with the words "Product of Canada" / "Produit du Canada" or "Canadian Honey" / "Miel canadien".

  Imported Honey [47(1)(c)(v), 52(2), HR]

  The name of the country of origin preceded by the words "Product of" or "Produit de" on imported honey must be clearly marked on the label of bulk imported honey [47(1)(d)(v), HR]

  Blend of Domestic and Imported Honey [37(3), 52.(1), HR]

  Where imported honey is blended with Canadian honey and is graded under the Honey Regulations, the container must be marked with the words "A Blend of Canadian and (naming the source or sources) Honey" or "mélange de miel canadien et de miel (naming the source or sources)" or "A blend (naming the source or sources) Honey and Canadian Honey" or "mélange de miel (naming the source or sources) et de miel canadien". The sources must be named in descending order of their proportion.

  12.12.11 Type Size Height [36 (2), 47(1)(d), HR]

  The markings shall be in distinctly legible block letters not less than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) in height:

  ?common name

  ?the grade name (domestic) / grade designation (imported) and colour classification

  ?the name, address and registration number of the packer or the name and address of the first dealer and the registration number of the packer (domestic product only); the name and address in full of the packer or importer (imported product only)

  ?number of containers contained therein (domestic)

  ?the net weight

  ?the lot number (domestic)

  ?words - " liquid","creamed" "pasteurized" (domestic product only) or "pressed" as applicable

  ?the country of origin (imported product)

  12.12.12 Location on the Label [36(2), 47(1)(d), HR; B.01.005]

  The information must appear on at least one side or one end of the box, except for half barrels, barrels or larger containers (except the bottom)。

  12.12.13 Language  [47(4), HR; B.01.012(11)]

  Domestic Product: This information need only be in one official language.

  Imported Product: This information must be in French and English.

  12.12.14 Exemptions for Export [54, HR]

  Section 54 of the Honey Regulations permits the exportation of honey which does not meet the provisions of the Regulations if

  the registration number of the establishment in which the honey was packed is marked on the label of the container;

  the lot number of the code of the shipment is marked on the label or embossed on the container

  the markings on the label or the container do not misrepresent the quality, quantity, colour class, composition, characteristics, origin, safety or value of the honey;

  the shipper provides to the inspector a signed statement certifying that the container and labelling meet the requirements of the importing country; and if

  the signed statement is included in the export documentation.

  12.12.15 Exemptions for Interprovincial Trade [54.2(2), HR]

  Section 54(2) of the Honey Regulations exempt honey, packed in bulk containers and marketed in interprovincial trade, from labelling and grade requirements if the following conditions are met:

  the honey is packed in bulk containers

  the containers are labelled with the name and address of the producer or packer;

  the honey is being conveyed to a registered establishment for the purpose of classification, grading, repacking or reprocessing.

  Summary Table of Labelling Requirements for Pre-Packaged Honey

  Table 12-1

      Prepackaged HONEY

  Import (47, HR)

  Export (34, 53, HR) ~ Interprovincial: Section (53, 54.2, HR)

Requirements Type Height Location on Label Language


Common Name :"Honey" "Honey" only or accompanied with the name of the blossom

1.6 mm   principal display panel English and French

35(1)(a)(I), 35(2), 35(3), 47(1)(c)(I)47(2), 47(4),Schedule I, Table IV. mandatory

  Net quantity g or kg

  Standard containers are prescribed for prepacked honey [29(2), HR]

  any size up to and including 150g; 250g; 375g; 500g; 750g; 1kg; 1.5kg; 2kg; 3kg; 5kg;

  The Minister may permit the sale of novelty containers of non standard sizes or experimental use sizes.

  minimum 1.6 mm(Numeric portion - See 12.4.4 of this Guide)

principal display panel English and French, unless bilingual symbols are used

29(2), 29(4) 31, 35(1)(a)(iv), 35(2), 35(3), 35(4), 47(1)(b), 47(1)(c)(IV), 47(2), 47(3), 47(4)



  Packed in Canada:

  CANADA no. 1; CANADA no. 2 ; CANADA no. 3; sous-régulière / substandard

  If imported, the grade designation is as follows:

  "Grade no. X" or "No. 1", "No. 2" , "No. 3"

  Note: There is no "substandard" grade designation for imported products.

  minimum 1.6 mm(See 12.4.4)

principal display panel English and French

5(1), 7, 35(1)(a)(ii), 35(2), 35(3), 47(1)(c)(ii), 47(2), 47(4), Schedule I, Table III mandatory

Colour - white; golden; amber; dark

  minimum 1.6 mm(See 12.4.4)

principal display panel English and French

35(1)(a)(ii), 35(2), 35(3), 47(1)(c)(ii) 47(2), 47(4), Schedule 1, Table I 

  Additional Requirements

  "liquid" as applicable - Only if the honey has been heat-treated to avoid rapid cristallisation.

  "creamed" as applicable -or any other word(s) indicating that the contents are granulated.

  "Pressed" when applicable

  "Pasteurized"/"Pasteurisé" - Only if the honey has been heat-treated by a registered pasteurizing plant so that the honey is free of viable sugar-tolerant yeasts. - Not applicable to prepackaged imported product

minimum 1.6 mm principal display panel English and French

35(1)(a)(v), 35(2), 35(3), 47(1)(c)(vii), 47(2), 47(4)mandatory

  Name and Address

  domestic product:

  Name and address of the packer or Name and address of the first dealer and the registration number of the packer

  imported product:

  Name and address of the packer or the importer

minimum 1.6 mm any surface except bottom   English and French

35(1)(b)(i),35(2), 35(3),47(1)(c)(vi),47(2),47(4);6(2), CPLR mandatory

  Country of origin

  Canadian honey

  "Product of Canada" or "Canadian honey"

  Imported honey

  "Product of …"

  Blended from different countries

  A blend of Canadian and…honey" or

  "A blend of…honey and Canadian honey"

minimum 1.6 mm any surface except bottom English and French

35(2),37(1)(2)(3),47(1)(c)(v),47(2),47(4), 52(1), 52(2).

  Brand or Trade-name

  (product packaged in Canada)

minimum 1.6 mm any surface except bottom English and French

35(1)(b)(ii), 35(2), 35(3)when applicable

   Summary Table of Labelling Requirements for Packages and Bulk Containers of Honey

  Table 12-2
        Prepackaged HONEY

  Import (47, HR)

  Export (34, 53, HR) ~ Interprovincial (53, 54.2, HR)

Requirements Type Height Location on Label Language



  Common Name :"Honey"

  "Honey" only or accompanied with the name of the blossom

1.6 mm   principal display panel  English and French

35(1)(a)(I), 35(2), 35(3), 47(1)(c)(I)47(2), 47(4),  Schedule I, Table IV.


  Net quantity g or kg

  Standard containers are prescribed for prepacked honey [29(2), HR]

  any size up to and including 150g; 250g; 375g; 500g; 750g; 1kg; 1.5kg; 2kg; 3kg; 5kg;

  The Minister may permit the sale of novelty containers of non standard sizes or experimental use sizes.

  minimum 1.6 mm(Numeric portion - See 12.4.4 of this Guide)

principal display panel English and French, unless bilingual symbols are used

29(2), 29(4) 31, 35(1)(a)(iv), 35(2), 35(3), 35(4), 47(1)(b), 47(1)(c)(IV), 47(2), 47(3), 47(4)



 Packed in Canada:

 CANADA no. 1; CANADA no. 2 ; CANADA no. 3; sous-régulière / substandard

 If imported, the grade designation is as follows:

 "Grade no. X" or "No. 1", "No. 2" , "No. 3"

 Note: There is no "substandard" grade designation for imported products.

  minimum 1.6 mm

  (See 12.4.4)

principal display panel English and French

 5(1), 7, 35(1)(a)(ii), 35(2), 35(3), 47(1)(c)(ii), 47(2), 47(4), Schedule I, Table III



  - white; golden; amber; dark

  minimum  9.5 mm in distinctly legible block letters   on at least one side or one end of the container

English or French(domestic)English and French (imported)

36(1)(b), 36(2), 47(1)(d), 47(1)(d)(ii), 47(4), Schedule 1, Table ii
B.01.012(11), FDR


  Other Requirements:

  "liquid" as applicable -Only if the honey has been heat-treated to avoid rapid crystallisation.

  "creamed" as applicable - or any other word(s) indicating that the contents are granulated.

  "pressed" when applicable

  "pasteurized" - Only if the honey has been heat-treated by a registered pasteurizing plant so that the honey is free of viable sugar-tolerant yeasts. (Domestic product only)

  minimum 9.5 mm in distinctly legible block letters   on at least one side or one end of the container

  English or French


  English and French (imported)


  B.01.012(11), FDR

  Lot number

  (product packed in Canada)

  minimum 9.5 mm in distinctly legible block letters   on at least one side or one end of the container      -


  Name and Address

  Domestic Product:

  Name, address and registration number of the packer


  Name and address of the first dealer and the registration number of the packer

  Imported Product:

  Name and address of the packer or the importer

  minimum 9.5 mm in distinctly legible block letters   on at least one side or one end of the box

  English or French


  English and French (imported)

36(1)(c), 36(2), 47(1)(d), 47(1)(d)(vi), 47(4)B.01.012(11), FDR

  Country of origin

  Canadian honey

  "Product of Canada" or "Canadian honey"

  Imported honey

  "Product of …"

  Blended from different countries

  "A blend of Canadian and…honey" or "A blend of…honey and Canadian honey"

  minimum  9.5 mm in distinctly legible block letters (for imported)   on at least one side or one end of the container

  English or French


  English and French (imported)

37(1)(2)(3),47(1)(d)(v),52(1), 52(2);
B.01.005, FDR





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② 凡本网注明“信息来源:XXX(非食品伙伴网)”的作品,均转载自其他媒体,转载目的在于传递更多的信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。
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