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§135.130 植物油脂冰淇淋(Mellorine)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-28 17:25:11  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3367
发布文号 63 FR 14035
发布日期 1998-03-24 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 植物油脂冰淇淋用营养性碳水化合物甜味剂增甜,总固形物量不低于1.6磅/加仑,重量不小于4.5磅/加仑,含有不小于食品量6%的脂肪和2.7%蛋白质,使用维生素A强化的,维生素A含量要确保在每克脂肪中达40个国际单位。脂肪和蛋白质按照《公职分析化学家协会法定分析方法》中的有关固定。本食品命名为“植物油脂冰淇淋”。食品中所用的各种配料必须按本章101部分和130部分中有关小节的要求在标签上加以说明。

  § 135.130   Mellorine.

  (a) Description. (1) Mellorine is a food produced by freezing, while stirring, a pasteurized mix consisting of safe and suitable ingredients including, but not limited to, milk-derived nonfat solids and animal or vegetable fat, or both, only part of which may be milkfat. Mellorine is sweetened with nutritive carbohydrate sweetener and is characterized by the addition of flavoring ingredients.

  (2) Mellorine contains not less than 1.6 pounds of total solids to the gallon, and weighs not less than 4.5 pounds to the gallon. Mellorine contains not less than 6 percent fat and 2.7 percent protein having a protein efficiency ratio (PER) not less than that of whole milk protein (108 percent of casein) by weight of the food, exclusive of the weight of any bulky flavoring ingredients used. In no case shall the fat content of the finished food be less than 4.8 percent or the protein content be less than 2.2 percent. The protein to meet the minimum protein requirements shall be provided by milk solids, not fat and/or other milk-derived ingredients.

  (3) When calculating the minimum amount of milkfat and protein required in the finished food, the solids of chocolate or cocoa used shall be considered a bulky flavoring ingredient. In order to make allowance for additional sweetening ingredients needed when certain bulky ingredients are used, the weight of chocolate or cocoa solids used may be multiplied by 2.5; the weight of fruit or nuts used may be multiplied by 1.4; and the weight of partially or wholly dried fruits or fruit juices may be multiplied by appropriate factors to obtain the original weights before drying and this weight may be multiplied by 1.4.

  (b) Fortification. Vitamin A is present in a quantity which will ensure that 40 international units (IU) are available for each gram of fat in mellorine, within limits of good manufacturing practice.

  (c) Methods of analysis. Fat and protein content, and the PER shall be determined by following the methods contained in “Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists,” 13th Ed. (1980), which is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 481 North Frederick Ave., suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, or may be examined at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.

  (1) Fat content shall be determined by the method: “Fat, Roese-Gottlieb Method—Official Final Action,” section 16.287.

  (2) Protein content shall be determined by one of the following methods: “Nitrogen—Official Final Action,” Kjeldahl Method, section 16.285, or Dye Binding Method, section 16.286.

  (3) PER shall be determined by the method: “Biological Evaluation of Protein Quality—Official Final Action,” sections 43.212–43.216.

  (d) Nomenclature. The name of the food is “mellorine”。 The name of the food on the label shall be accompanied by a declaration indicating the presence of characterizing flavoring in the same manner as is specified in §135.110(c).

  (e) Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter, except that sources of milkfat or milk solids not fat may be declared in descending order of predominance either by the use of the terms “milkfat and nonfat milk” when one or any combination of two or more of the ingredients listed in §101.4(b)(3), (b)(4), (b)(8), and (b)(9) of this chapter are used, or alternatively as permitted in §101.4 of this chapter.

  [42 FR 19137, Apr. 12, 1977, as amended at 47 FR 11826, Mar. 19, 1982; 49 FR 10096, Mar. 19, 1984; 54 FR 24894, June 12, 1989; 58 FR 2896, Jan. 6, 1993; 63 FR 14035, Mar. 24, 1998]



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