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§135.140 冰糕(Sherbet)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-28 17:43:53  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3931
发布文号 58 FR 2896
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 冰糕中可含有本节(c)中规定的酪蛋白酸盐以及其他非乳衍生配料,其他食用油脂不得使用,重量为不小于6磅/加仑,乳脂含量不小于1%,但不大于2%,非乳脂衍生固形物含量不小于1%,总乳固形物或乳衍生物含量不小于食品成品量的2%,不大于5%。乳品配料可选稀奶油、干奶油、塑性稀奶油等,酪蛋白酸盐可添加酪蛋白酸铵、酪蛋白酸钙等。各种水果的名称“__冰糕”,空白处填上水果或特征性香料的名称。

  § 135.140   Sherbet.

  (a) Description. (1) Sherbet is a food produced by freezing, while stirring, a pasteurized mix consisting of one or more of the optional dairy ingredients specified in paragraph (b) of this section, and may contain one or more of the optional caseinates specified in paragraph (c) of this section subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, and other safe and suitable nonmilk-derived ingredients; and excluding other food fats, except such as are added in small amounts to accomplish specific functions or are natural components of flavoring ingredients used. Sherbet is sweetened with nutritive carbohydrate sweeteners and is characterized by the addition of one or more of the characterizing fruit ingredients specified in paragraph (d) of this section or one or more of the nonfruit-characterizing ingredients specified in paragraph (e) of this section.

  (2) Sherbet weighs not less than 6 pounds to the gallon. The milkfat content is not less than 1 percent nor more than 2 percent, the nonfat milk-derived solids content not less than 1 percent, and the total milk or milk-derived solids content is not less than 2 percent nor more than 5 percent by weight of the finished food. Sherbet that is characterized by a fruit ingredient shall have a titratable acidity, calculated as lactic acid, of not less than 0.35 percent.

  (b) Optional dairy ingredients. The optional dairy ingredients referred to in paragraph (a) of this section are: Cream, dried cream, plastic cream (sometimes known as concentrated milkfat), butter, butter oil, milk, concentrated milk, evaporated milk, superheated condensed milk, sweetened condensed milk, dried milk, skim milk, concentrated skim milk, evaporated skim milk, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed part-skim milk, nonfat dry milk, sweet cream buttermilk, condensed sweet cream buttermilk, dried sweet cream buttermilk, skim milk that has been concentrated and from which part of the lactose has been removed by crystallization, and whey and those modified whey products (e.g., reduced lactose whey, reduced minerals whey, and whey protein concentrate) that have been determined by FDA to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in this type of food. Water may be added, or water may be evaporated from the mix. The sweet cream buttermilk and the concentrated sweet cream buttermilk or dried sweet cream buttermilk, when adjusted with water to a total solids content of 8.5 percent, has a titratable acidity of not more than 0.17 percent calculated as lactic acid. The term “milk” as used in this section means cow's milk.

  (c) Optional caseinates. The optional caseinates referred to in paragraph (a) of this section which may be added to sherbet mix are: Casein prepared by precipitation with gums, ammonium caseinate, calcium caseinate, potassium caseinate, and sodium caseinate. Caseinates may be added in liquid or dry form, but must be free of excess alkali, such caseinates are not considered to be milk solids.

  (d) Optional fruit-characterizing ingredients. The optional fruit-characterizing ingredients referred to in paragraph (a) of this section are any mature fruit or the juice of any mature fruit. The fruit or fruit juice used may be fresh, frozen, canned, concentrated, or partially or wholly dried. The fruit may be thickened with pectin or other optional ingredients. The fruit is prepared by the removal of pits, seeds, skins, and cores, where such removal is usual in preparing that kind of fruit for consumption as fresh fruit. The fruit may be screened, crushed, or otherwise comminuted. It may be acidulated. In the case of concentrated fruit or fruit juices, from which part of the water is removed, substances contributing flavor volatilized during water removal may be condensed and reincorporated in the concentrated fruit or fruit juice. In the case of citrus fruits, the whole fruit, including the peel but excluding the seeds, may be used, and in the case of citrus juice or concentrated citrus juices, cold-pressed citrus oil may be added thereto in an amount not exceeding that which would have been obtained if the whole fruit had been used. The quantity of fruit ingredients used is such that, in relation to the weight of the finished sherbet, the weight of fruit or fruit juice, as the case may be (including water necessary to reconstitute partially or wholly dried fruits or fruit juices to their original moisture content), is not less than 2 percent in the case of citrus sherbets, 6 percent in the case of berry sherbets, and 10 percent in the case of sherbets prepared with other fruits. For the purpose of this section, tomatoes and rhubarb are considered as kinds of fruit.

  (e) Optional nonfruit characterizing ingredients. The optimal nonfruit characterizing ingredients referred to in paragraph (a) of this section include but are not limited to the following:

  (1) Ground spice or infusion of coffee or tea.

  (2) Chocolate or cocoa, including sirup.

  (3) Confectionery.

  (4) Distilled alcoholic beverage, including liqueurs or wine, in an amount not to exceed that required for flavoring the sherbet.

  (5) Any natural or artificial food flavoring (except any having a characteristic fruit or fruit-like flavor).

  (f) Nomenclature. (1) The name of each sherbet is as follows:

  (i) The name of each fruit sherbet is “___ sherbet”, the blank being filled in with the common name of the fruit or fruits from which the fruit ingredients used are obtained. When the names of two or more fruits are included, such names shall be arranged in order of predominance, if any, by weight of the respective fruit ingredients used.

  (ii) The name of each nonfruit sherbet is “___ sherbet”, the blank being filled in with the common or usual name or names of the characterizing flavor or flavors; for example, “peppermint”, except that if the characterizing flavor used is vanilla, the name of the food is “___ sherbet”, the blank being filled in as specified by §135.110(e) (2) and (5)(i).

  (2) When the optional ingredients, artificial flavoring, or artificial coloring are used in sherbet, they shall be named on the label as follows:

  (i) If the flavoring ingredient or ingredients consists exclusively of artificial flavoring, the label designation shall be “artificially flavored”。

  (ii) If the flavoring ingredients are a combination of natural and artificial flavors, the label designation shall be “artificial and natural flavoring added”。

  (iii) The label shall designate artificial coloring by the statement “artificially colored”, “artificial coloring added”, “with added artificial coloring”, or “___, an artificial color added”, the blank being filled in with the name of the artificial coloring used.

  (g) Characterizing flavor(s). Wherever there appears on the label any representation as to the characterizing flavor or flavors of the food and such flavor or flavors consist in whole or in part of artificial flavoring, the statment required by paragraph (f)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section, as appropriate, shall immediately and conspicuously precede or follow such representation, without intervening written, printed, or graphic matter (except that the word “sherbet” may intervene) in a size reasonably related to the prominence of the name of the characterizing flavor and in any event the size of the type is not less than 6-point on packages containing less than 1 pint, not less than 8-point on packages containing at least 1 pint but less than one-half gallon, not less than 10-point on packages containing at least one-half gallon but less than 1 gallon, and not less than 12-point on packages containing 1 gallon or over.

  (h) Display of statements required by paragraph (f)(2). Except as specified in paragraph (g) of this section, the statements required by paragraph (f)(2) of this section shall be set forth on the principal display panel or panels of the label with such prominence and conspicuousness as to render them likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use.

  (i) Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter.

  [43 FR 4599, Feb. 3, 1978, as amended at 46 FR 44434, Sept. 4, 1981; 58 FR 2896, Jan. 6, 1993]



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