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§129.3 瓶装饮用水的相关定义(Definitions)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-07 14:30:42  来源:GPO  浏览次数:4109
发布文号 44 FR 12175
发布日期 1979-03-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 本条例对批准水源、瓶装饮用水、批、可回收容器、无毒材料、操作用水、直接容器、成品水、集装箱、一次性容器、包装箱等瓶装饮用水涉及的相关用语进行了定义。

      更多关于瓶装饮用水的相关法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第129部分关于瓶装饮用水生产和灌装的法规汇总

  § 129.3   Definitions.

  For the purposes of this part, the following definitions apply:

  (a) Approved source when used in reference to a plant's product water or operations water means a source of water and the water therefrom, whether it be from a spring, artesian well, drilled well, municipal water supply, or any other source, that has been inspected and the water sampled, analyzed, and found to be of a safe and sanitary quality according to applicable laws and regulations of State and local government agencies having jurisdiction. The presence in the plant of current certificates or notifications of approval from the government agency or agencies having jurisdiction constitutes approval of the source and the water supply.

  (b) Bottled drinking water means all water which is sealed in bottles, packages, or other containers and offered for sale for human consumption, including bottled mineral water.

  (c) Lot means a collection of primary containers or unit packages of the same size, type, and style produced under conditions as nearly uniform as possible and designated by a common container code or marking.

  (d) Multiservice containers means containers intended for use more than one time.

  (e) Nontoxic materials means materials for product water contact surfaces utilized in the transporting, processing, storing, and packaging of bottled drinking water, which are free of substances which may render the water injurious to health or which may adversely affect the flavor, color, odor, or bacteriological quality of the water.

  (f) Operations water means water which is delivered under pressure to a plant for container washing, hand washing, plant and equipment cleanup and for other sanitary purposes.

  (g) Primary container means the immediate container in which the product water is packaged.

  (h) Product water means processed water used by a plant for bottled drinking water.

  (i) Shall and should. “Shall” refers to mandatory requirements and “should” refers to recommended or advisory procedures or equipment.

  (j) Shipping case means a container in which one or more primary containers of the product are held.

  (k) Single-service container means a container intended for one time usage only.

  (l) Unit package means a standard commercial package of bottled drinking water, which may consist of one or more containers.

  [42 FR 14355, Mar. 6, 1977, as amended at 44 FR 12175, Mar. 6, 1979]



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