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SR 2002/396 食品(安全)条例2002— 12 医药卫生员和授权人员针对被感染食品的权利(Food (Safety) Regulations 2002—Powers of Medical Officer of Health and designated officer in respect of infected food)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-15 17:12:01  来源:新西兰立法  浏览次数:3196
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备注 如果医药卫生员或授权人员怀疑食品呗感染可能会导致食物中毒或健康法案1956规定的人类传染病,他/她可能会以书面的形式通知相关人员,通过邮政投递或其它方式通报他们认为该食品的供应源头、禁止被通知人员销售该产品,该通知效力不超过一个月,也可为了扩大影响将其延期,如果发现食品未被感染,则会撤销通告并以书面形式通知相关人员该撤销决定,在通知的效力范围期间,任何人不得销售该产品。

  12 Powers of Medical Officer of Health and designated officer in respect of infected food(1) If a Medical Officer of Health or designated officer suspects on reasonable grounds that any food is infected with an organism capable of causing food poisoning or a communicable disease within the meaning of the Health Act 1956, he or she may, by notice in writing served on any person,—

  (a) describe, by postal address or otherwise, the source from which the Medical Officer of Health or designated officer believes the food to have been supplied; and

  (b) prohibit the person on whom the notice is served from selling any food that the person knows or has reason to believe has been obtained at, or from, the source specified.

  (2) Unless sooner revoked by a Medical Officer of Health or designated officer, a notice served under subclause (1) remains in force for the period, not exceeding 1 month, specified in the notice.

  (3) However, a Medical Officer of Health or designated officer may, before the notice expires or is revoked, extend the effect of the notice for a further period not exceeding 1 month by serving notice in writing in the same manner as the original notice.

  (4) If, in the opinion of the Medical Officer of Health or designated officer, the food in respect of which the notice has been served is no longer infected, he or she must—

  (a) revoke the notice; and

  (b) notify the person on whom the notice was served in writing of the revocation.

  (5) While a notice served under subclause (1) or extended under subclause (3) remains in force, no person on whom it has been served, or who knows of its contents, may sell any food that the person knows, or has reason to believe, has been obtained from a source specified in the notice.

  Compare: SR 1984/262 r 262



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