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§179.25 食品辐照的使用总则(General provisions for food irradiation)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-12-23 19:28:43  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3652
发布文号 21 CFR PART 179
发布日期 2002-03-21 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 任何使用电离辐照加工处理食品的公司,必须遵守本章110部分中的条款及其他有关规定。电离辐照加工处理食品,力求达到工艺要求时,使用最低的辐照量。随同包装食品一起进行加工和辐照处理的包装材料,应符合179.45的规定。食品的辐照处理应按预定程序进行。食品辐照操作者应将本节所规定的记录保留到该辐照食品的货架期后1~3年,以便于FDA工作人员对保留的记录进行检查和复制。

      For the purposes of § 179.26, current good manufacturing practice is defined to include the following restrictions:

  (a) Any firm that treats foods with ionizing radiation shall comply with the requirements of part 110 of this chapter and other applicable regulations.

  (b) Food treated with ionizing radiation shall receive the minimum radiation dose reasonably required to accomplish its intended technical effect and not more than the maximum dose specified by the applicable regulation for that use.

  (c) Packaging materials subjected to irradiation incidental to the radiation treatment and processing of prepackaged food shall be in compliance with § 179.45, shall be the subject of an exemption for such use under § 170.39 of this chapter, or shall be the subject of an effective premarket notification for a food contact substance for such use submitted under § 170.100 of this chapter.

  (d) Radiation treatment of food shall conform to a scheduled process. A scheduled process for food irradiation is a written procedure that ensures that the radiation dose range selected by the food irradiation processor is adequate under commercial processing conditions (including atmosphere and temperature) for the radiation to achieve its intended effect on a specific product and in a specific facility. A food irradiation processor shall operate with a scheduled process established by qualified persons having expert knowledge in radiation processing requirements of food and specific for that food and for that irradiation processor's treatment facility.

  (e) A food irradiation processor shall maintain records as specified in this section for a period of time that exceeds the shelf life of the irradiated food product by 1 year, up to a maximum of 3 years, whichever period is shorter, and shall make these records available for inspection and copy by authorized employees of the Food and Drug Administration. Such records shall include the food treated, lot identification, scheduled process, evidence of compliance with the scheduled process, ionizing energy source, source calibration, dosimetry, dose distribution in the product, and the date of irradiation.

  [51 FR 13399, Apr. 18, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 9585, Mar. 4, 2002; 67 FR 35731, May 21, 2002]




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