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放大字体  缩小字体 2017-04-20 09:25:19  来源:澳新食品标准局  浏览次数:6509
发布文号 F2017L00414
发布日期 2017-04-07 生效日期 2017-04-13
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 2017年4月7日,澳新食品标准局发布2017澳新食品标准法典修正案,此次对包括婴儿配方食品、特殊医学用途食品、食品添加剂在内的众多食品标准进行了修正。法规于2017年4月13日开始实施。

Amendment No. 168 – 13 April 2017

Amendment No. 168 contains amendments to the following standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code:
Standard 1.1.1 – Structure of the Code and general provisions
Standard 1.1.2 – Definitions used throughout the Code
Standard 1.2.1 – Requirements to have labels or otherwise provide information
Standard 1.2.3 – Information requirements – warning statements, advisory statements and declarations
Standard 1.2.5 – Information requirements – date marking of food for sale
Standard 1.2.7 – Nutrition, health and related claims
Standard 1.2.8 – Nutrition information requirements
Standard 1.3.1 – Food additives
Standard 1.3.2 – Vitamins and minerals
Standard 1.5.1 – Novel foods
Standard 2.5.7 – Dried milk, evaporated milk and condensed milk
Standard 2.6.3 – Kava
Standard 2.9.1 – Infant formula products
Standard 2.9.2 – Food for infants
Standard 2.9.3 – Formulated meal replacements and formulated supplementary foods
Standard 2.9.4 – Formulated supplementary sports foods
Standard 2.9.5 – Food for special medical purposes
Standard 2.10.3 – Chewing gum
Standard 4.2.4 – Primary production and processing standard for dairy products
Standard 5.1.1 – Revocation and transitional provisions – 2014 revision (Repealed)
Schedule 1 – RDIs and ESADDIs
Schedule 3 – Identity and purity
Schedule 4 – Nutrition, health and related claims
Schedule 5 – Nutrient profiling scoring method
Schedule 8 – Food additive names and code numbers (for statement of ingredients)
Schedule 10 – Generic names of ingredients and conditions for their use
Schedule 11 – Calculation of values for nutrition information panel
Schedule 12 – Nutrition information panels
Schedule 15 – Substances that may be used as food additives
Schedule 16 – Types of substances that may be used as food additives
Schedule 17 – Vitamins and minerals
Schedule 18 – Processing aids
Schedule 19 – Maximum levels of contaminants and natural toxicants
Schedule 21 – Extraneous residue limits
Schedule 23 – Prohibited plants and fungi
Schedule 24 – Restricted plants and fungi
Schedule 25 – Permitted novel foods
Schedule 26 – Food produced using gene technology
Schedule 27 – Microbiological limits in food
Schedule 29 – Special purpose foods
The Application and Proposal under which these amendments have been made are:
  • A1132 – Broaden Definition of Steviol Glycosides (Intense Sweetener)
  • P1043 – Code Revision (2016)



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